Solar Services

Need For Awareness About Solar Panel Installations

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In the current era, solar energy is a major renewable energy source with the potential to face any potential consequences of the globe. Photovoltaic and solar-thermal panels produce open energy by transferring beams of light from the sun into energy and power. In a nutshell, converting the sun’s heat to electricity.

Since solar panels offer numerous benefits like reducing energy bills, diverse applications and low maintenance cost many consumers are oriented towards this new technology yet we need to consider a few things and have to be aware of certain things before solar panel installation.

Things to know before solar panel installation

Gone were those days when solar panel installation was an expensive affair and was an out of reach technique for most consumers. However, as years progressed and technology advanced, the cost of solar panel installation has reduced and the number of installations increased. However, there are few things that have to be taken into consideration before hiring services who have the highest level of excellence in solar technology training.

  • Having the right weather is essential – Weather plays a crucial role and can immensely impact solar panels. Most solar panels are built to handle a wide range of climates and conditions, including heavy rain, hail, wind, heat and cold. However, to get the most energy efficiency, the panels should get a lot of sunlight.
  • Will our roof support solar panels– Some roofs are better for solar panels than others, however, when we don’t want our roof to get damaged, then installing the solar panel from a licensed solar system training professionals is highly encouraged. The most preferred roof types are composite and tile yet torch down, wood shake and even foam can be a choice.
  • Which kind of solar panel can be right for us– If we are installing solar panels for residential purposes then monocrystalline and polycrystalline are more popular choices. These panels have the potential to convert sunlight into electricity and thermal. However, we need to evaluate the panels properly and determine their efficiency before buying one.
  • Will our panels connect to the grid– Basically, the invertors are connected to the panel to convert DC energy to AC energy. We can expect varying amounts of efficiency based on the place we live in. Also, we need to ensure whether the electricity providers can connect us to the grid and how much we need to pay for their services.

Because of the increasing popularity of this phenomenon, solar jobs have risen rapidly in the last decade. Solar panel training has become the required skilled workforce and is increasing in demand. There is a countless number of funding programs which deals everything about the solar energy technologies that increase the number of veterans in the solar workforce. People who participate in these kinds of training can take advantage of solar career map to explore additional opportunities for their progress and promotion.

Solar Services

Know the Hidden Benefits of Solar Energy

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Solar energy decreases our dependence on fossil fuels, and it also preserves our natural resources for future generations to use. It is eco-friendly and among the most desirable alternative sources, being a reliable source of energy derived from the sun. A large number of solar power companies have come into existence today with many benefits associated with them. Following are a few hidden benefits of Solar Energy.

  • Green Energy and the Job opportunities that come with it

Renewable energy helps in increasing the employment rate because of the need for improvement in the technological sector, also owing to the continuous growth and demand for renewable energy. The rising obligation of green energy and its technological development means that new opportunities in the professional world are created every day in the renewable energy industry. Green energy production generated close to 7 million new jobs worldwide in 2014, according to a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

  • Economic Advantages of Green Energy

Government organizations from all around the world look to collect taxes when it comes to certain projects that revolve around renewable energy. This helps to improve and evolve public services and other related facilities. Also making solar energy price almost free in the long run. Jobs being created directly in the renewable energy industry are giving other related sectors a ripple effect. Even green – energy – free enterprises often directly benefit from household and business employment growth.

  • Energy Independence through Green Energy

Renewable energy helps to reduce the nation’s dependence on oil imports or other sources as green energy foundations have no import requirement. This thus helps to drastically reduce costs or the need for other foreign nations to waste money on coal and oil.

  • Inexhaustible Renewable Energy Source

Renewable sources are inexhaustible, which means regular and generally quick recharging. Regular assets, for example, wind, daylight, water, and geothermal warmth could conceivably give a surplus to the vitality needs of the whole nation. Furthermore, not at all like our limited petroleum product supply, sustainable wellsprings of vitality are endless and in nonstop supply.

  • Power Remote Areas

Connecting remote areas with national electrical matrix is quite tricky. But even remote areas can get electricity through the use of solar energy. Also, mounting solar systems in remote areas is more cost – effective than laying cables with high voltage.

  • Installable on Rooftops

Solar panels can be installed easily on the rooftops, wiping out the space constraint issue. So when the solar energy equipment supplier establishes the solar sources and the plant it may be quite expensive, but they guarantee free power supply, ultimately paying for themselves on a long – term basis.

  • Silent

It is generally seen that heavy noise is produced by energy generated either from natural resources or other renewable energy sources such as wind turbines. Solar energy, however, quietly creates power without worrying about sound pollution. Solar panel installation in Dubai can be the best way to redeem hassle-free electricity.


Benefits and Downsides about Seawater Desalination System

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Desalination can be defined as a process where salt water is converted into drinking water. In this procedure, the salt and other semi-solid materials present in the fluid is effectively removed. The process is generally conducted upon seawater or brackish water. In the financial year of 2002, more than 12,500 desalination plants supplied a total of 14 million cubic meters of fresh drinking water per day in 120 countries. It is estimated that the worldwide plant capacity for desalination and water treatment has doubled by the end of 2015.

  •    Benefits
  1. Access to Drinking Water

Water desalination plants in a particular location where there is a shortage of natural drinking water can provide drinking water. Some islands present in the Caribbean, avail most of their drinking with the help of these desalination plants. Through this process, countries such as Saudi Arabia receive 70% of its fresh water. The process can be used to harvest water during the time of any drought even in countries where fresh water is abundant. For example, the United States is using 6.5% of the world’s desalinated water supply.

  1. Quality and Habitat Protection

Water desalinized generally meets or exceeds water quality standards. Water desalination plants can also reduce the pressure on supplies of fresh water from areas that need to be protected. These important freshwater bodies can be preserved by treating ocean water instead of removing it from sources that may also be habitats for endangered species.

  1. It would preserve current freshwater supplies.

Since the supply of freshwater to the planet is somewhat limited, it makes sense to preserve it as much as practically possible. It would secure more resources to be used where conservation efforts are presently being put in place, as water scarcity is currently on the hike.

  •    Downsides
  1. High Cost of Operation

Construction and operation of desalination companies are costly. Establishing a plant can cost millions of dollars, depending on its location. Sometimes the figure may also reach the high billions. So it is safe to say that the planning and construction of a Desalination plant is comparatively an expensive procedure. Once operational, large amounts of energy are required by plants. Energy costs represent only half of the desalinated water production costs. As energy comprises such a significant part of the total cost, changes in energy prices also significantly affect the cost.

  1. Environmental Impact

Another disadvantage for desalination of seawater for drinking is that the plants cause an ecological impact. A significant problem is the residue salt after its removal from the water. Also, the process in itself extracts a lot of harmful chemicals that can be injurious in high concentrations, including, carbon dioxide, chlorine, hydrochloric acid.

  1. It might risk producing contaminated water.

Although Desalinization can produce high – quality water, it can also introduce biological or chemical contaminants into the water supply. It will have an impact on the location and design of the plants, which should be heavily monitored by the local government to ensure safety.


Benefits of Installing a Water Purification System

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Tap water contains various undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, different types of suspended solids and gases. Different kinds of industrial water purification systems are used to purify and disinfect water for human consumption and other purposes that might include medical, pharmacological or chemical use.

Thousands of people die every year because of consuming contaminated water or from waterborne diseases. As of 2014, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), this number stands at 842,000 deaths per year from waterborne diseases. Billions of people still lack access to clean drinking water. Simple techniques for purifying water at home can reduce water-related health risks and save lives every year. Techniques like, boiling water before drinking might help a little but it is not as effective as industrial water treatment. WHO and national governments have been trying to reduce death from waterborne disease in developing countries, setting it as one of the major goals in the public health sector.

Purification of water

Purification of water before consumption is extremely important to avoid serious health issues. Even though industrial water filtration systems use different methods to separate any particle that could cause health issues to purify the water, still installing a water purification system in households is a good idea to avoid any health risks.

Few of the benefits of installing a water purification system at home include:

  • Enhanced taste of the water: Water purifiers remove the taste and smell of the chlorine from water. Installing a whole house water purification system filters out unsafe chlorine, bacteria and other chemicals that are added in a small amount in water supplies to kill the bacteria. The strong odour of chlorine makes water impossible to drink and use in cleaning purposes as it leaves a lasting smell. Using a water purifier is recommended to get odourless water.
  • Removing lead from water: Some filters are designed to filter out the harmful lead that leads to various health issues including birth defects. Not only lead, but unfiltered water also contains other minerals such as copper and magnesium too, making it unsuitable for drinking. Installing a water purifier is the best way to get rid of these minerals.
  • Environment-friendly: Having a water purification system at home means you don’t have to buy water bottles. It is a one-time cost to install a system at home, and it will forever cut down the cost and use of plastic by getting rid of buying bottled water. In the US itself, 50 billion plastic bottles are bought every year, of which only 23 per cent gets recycled, the remaining plastics are dumped into landfills. It takes hundreds of years for plastic to disintegrate. So installing a water purifying system saves the environment from plastic.

While talking about installing water purification system, most people might think that installing a filtration system in the kitchen might be enough to get purified water, they often forget about hard water that is being used in cleaning and washing of clothes, bathing. Prolong use of hard water can causes damages to skin and clothes, leaving skin dry and leaving soap residue from the detergent on clothes. Industrial water purification system is not enough to get clean water at homes. It is not as effective as it would be with installing a home water purification system, which has become a necessity.

Solar Services

Choosing the Right Solar Panels Installation Company

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With solar power being one of the most sought after energy source, it is environment-friendly as well as saves money. While burning of the non-renewable resources to generate electricity and other power options is something that is destroying our planet, creating energy from the sun’s rays is an eco-friendly option.

While sun’s rays are abundant, capturing them with the help of solar panels is what allows the generation of power and later made use of. Ever since countries around the world have realized the adverse effects of climate change, there are more and more manufacturers for solar panels. This has allowed individuals as well as organizations to purchase them from solar panels suppliers in Dubai and use them.

While solar panels cannot be installed by any layman, there is a need for expert intervention. When it comes to choosing a solar installation company, you should follow the right steps. Read on to know how.

Look up the Internet

While solar panels and its installation by solar panels suppliers in Dubai is something that is not unheard of, there is a demand for it everywhere. That is the reason why there are several installation companies out there who are ready to help. When you place your search, you are likely to come across several names. When choosing one over several, you need to look into their years of experience, their expertise and whether they can help you with the type of solar panel that you have purchased. Along with that, there is the need to check their license and whether they are equipped to install solar panels or not. All of these can be found out from their websites and online reviews.

Ask your acquaintances

Since solar panel installation by solar panels suppliers in Dubai is in demand, it is something that your acquaintances may also have opted for. When you ask them to help you, there would be at least someone who has installed solar panels at home or their office premises. This would give you a firsthand review on whether they were good with the installation. While they do you assure you, it is always better to cross-check and verify if they can help you with the installation or not. They may want to know about the type of solar panel that you have purchased, that gives them an idea of how to help you.

Ask them for installation quotes

Since solar panels are a one-time installation and only needs maintenance from time to time, the installers may charge you a good sum of money. Just because solar panels capture, natural light doesn’t mean that you pay a lot of money for its installation. Asking several installation professionals for solar panels in Dubai for quotes can help you. When you compare quotes along with what the Internet and acquaintances suggest, you may get an idea of what they should be charging you.

Since you would be installing solar panels for long-term benefits, it is essential that you get help from people who are licensed and experienced with solar panels in Dubai. While you have invested, you wouldn’t want it to turn out to be a liability.

Solar Services

What makes Solar Lights Reliable

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There are plenty of factors that make solar light so reliable. These days, it has become easier to get hold of companies that are in the business of solar light trading in Dubai. You can be sure that you would get top quality products from them. The first such benefit is that it is an environment-friendly alternative. This is especially when you compare the various forms of energy that we use on a regular basis these days. In this case, there is no power coming from the grid. These systems are powered by solar energy, which happens to be the top name when it comes to renewable energy technologies of the world. The batteries in these cases get all their energy from sunlight throughout the day.

It also helps that these batteries are totally recyclable as well. This is the reason why so many people prefer buying from solar light trading in Dubai companies these days.

Inexpensive installation

This has got to be the second biggest benefit of such lights. You can install them by spending only a little amount of money. In certain cases, this need is much lower than what you have to spend when you have to get power from the grid to a location where you need the same. In this case, too you get poles erected much the same way it happens with normal light that is powered by the electrical grid.

In the case of companies that provide solar light trading in Dubai, you may get some large footers as well. But, in these cases, there is no conduit running underground. Under normal circumstances, such conduits start from the main power source and then they continue from one pole to another.

Little or no maintenance

This is also a major benefit of having such a form of energy. From a practical point of view, you do not really need to spend any money to maintain these lights. This is especially true in the last couple of decades where LED (light emitting diode) fixtures have become really popular because of the long lifespan of the products.

If your solar light trading in Dubai company can install the products correctly you can be sure that you would not need to maintain them before 5 or 7 years. This is especially true of the commercial solar lighting systems that have batteries that have been built to last that long.

No energy bills

When you use solar powered lights you are not using any electrical energy as such. This means that you do not have to pay any electrical bills as well.

In case of installing a commercial system by solar light trading in Dubai Company, the costs can indeed be a tad intimidating. However, when you compare the overall savings that you can make in this regard should assuage such worries in the end. When you are using these systems on a commercial basis you can be sure that you would get a number of financial incentives as well and they would help you address the issue of the initial expenses in a more than adequate manner.


Let’s Look Into Steps Involved In Seawater Desalination

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The seawater desalination process is employed to convert seawater into fresh water. Notably, seawater desalination is definitely not carried out in a single step. It is a time-consuming process involving multiple steps. Today, we will take a look at the various steps involved in seawater desalination.

Sea Water is delivered to the desalination system after pre-treatment

The very first step involves the delivery of the seawater or the raw water to the desalination plant through the intake pump. The raw water is duly pre-treated before it is delivered to the seawater desalination systemThe pre-treatment is necessary to ensure that the water is rendered free of impurities.

There are innumerable suspended solids, clays, bacteria and dissolved organic matters that are susceptible to the RO or reverse osmosis membranes. Pre-treatment remains an important method with the help of which the fouling of the RO membrane is prevented. Activated filter, multi-media filter, and security filters are the three main types of pre-filters generally used.

Reverse Osmosis

The Reverse Osmosis or the RO system makes use of the semi-permeable membrane to eliminate the following materials from the feed water in order to produce completely desalinated fresh water. The semi-permeable membrane is responsible for separating the salt solution and water. It is the osmotic pressure which separates the water from the salt solution. Reverse osmosis takes place if the water permeates in the opposite direction owing to the application of pressure higher than osmotic pressure on the salt solution. The RO permeate is purified – thereby ensuring that around 98% of TDS is removed from feed water.

Energy Recovery and Reduction of Energy Costs

Then comes the stage when the energy recovery system is deployed to reduce energy consumption. Lower energy consumption leads to lower energy costs as well. the energy consumption can be reduced by reusing and recycling the pressure energy obtained from the RO system . ERD or Energy Recovery Device is a popular device employed while operating any seawater reverse osmosis desalination products. What exactly are the next steps involved in seawater desalination? We will find that out right here!

Chemical Cleaning required eliminating pollutants

After the work of the Energy Recovery System is done – comes the turn of the Chemical Dosing System. It remains an integral part of the seawater desalination systemPretreatment of the water involves the coagulant and bactericide dosing, pH adjustment dosing (administered before the 2nd RO system) and antiscalant dosing administered before the 1st level RO. It is very important for companies offering desalination services to select well-designed dosing devices meant for easy operation.

Irrespective of how good the pre-treatment device is, the surface of the membrane will always be susceptible to some types of pollutants. In the long run, these pollutants end up hindering performance and raising the difference in pressure between the inlet and outlet. So chemical cleaning is necessary to eliminate dirt from the surface of the RO membrane. The comprehensive cleaning device consists of a cleaning pump, cleaning tank, and the filter.

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